PLAN AHEAD: Ramp Closure
Continues at McClugage
The Illinois Department of Transportation reminds motorists that the ramp from northbound Adams Street (Illinois 29) to eastbound War Memorial Drive (US 150) remains closed to allow for its removal as part of the McClugage Bridge project.
See press release for current traffic pattern changes.

Exciting Milestones Ahead
Big things are happening with the McClugage Bridge project!
We’re thrilled to announce that construction has advanced, and two lanes of traffic and shoulders
on the new eastbound McClugage will open on the morning of Thursday, December 19!
(The traffic switch will take place Wednesday overnight to minimize impacts on the public.)
For more details on the opening, check out the press release here!
But the excitement doesn’t end there…
The demolition of the existing eastbound bridge also must occur. It will be a process, which is expected to end with an implosion in Spring, 2025. While the new eastbound bridge opens to traffic this month, work will continue on the bridge over Adams Street, along with some other key roadwork. Progress is being made and the finish line of improved safety, reduced travel time, and increased capacity is within sight! And did we mention the multi-use path that is expected to be completed in 2025?
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to make significant progress. We're looking forward to a new and improved eastbound McClugage Bridge, providing better access for families, businesses and communities.
After more than 70 years of serving the Peoria metro area, the eastbound McClugage Bridge will be removed and replaced with a new structure to meet the region’s transportation needs. Potential alternatives for a new bridge were examined and public comments were considered in the initial phases of the project, allowing construction to begin in the Spring of 2019.

In order to improve capacity, increase safety and reduce travel times, the new McClugage Bridge will replace the existing structure. Continuing IDOTs focus on improving multimodal capabilities and strengthening the traveling experience, the new bridge will include bicycle and pedestrian accommodations.

Did you
The new eastbound McClugage Bridge will improve the traveling experience for all who cross – not only for existing needs, but future ones as well. The new structure, more than twice the width of the old bridge, will increase capacity by adding a third lane and shoulders, improve safety, reduce travel times and ensure additional multimodal access with bike and pedestrian accommodations.